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I knew I wanted to write this letter the morning after I had Flapless Lasik eye surgery, but I just couldn’t seem to find the right words. I wanted to convey just how much you have changed my life. I had bad vision, and when I say that, it’s an understatement. Imagine growing up, not knowing trees had small branches, or that there were signs on the side of the road, telling you how fast to drive. I couldn’t figure out how the other kids in school saw the blackboard from their seat, I just knew that after class I had to walk up to the board and write down what I needed. My mother took me to the eye doctor in the 5th grade, and after they eye exam, he asked her how many times I had failed. In somewhat of an astonished and indignant voice she replied Never! He explained how bad my eyes were. We went back for my glasses later, and all the way home I read all the signs I never knew were there, and marveled at the complexity of those trees. I thought he had performed a miracle. When I was sixteen and in high school, I changed from those horrid, coke bottle glasses to gas permeable contacts. I could see even better. Wow, they were great until a speck of sand flew into my eye, or one slipped out of place. Talk about pain!!! But still, I thought they were a miracle. Two months ago, my husband finally managed to get me in to Dr. Mazaheri’s Dallas office to see if I was a candidate for No Cut or Flapless Lasik eye surgery. It took him about four years. I was certain I would be told my eyes were too bad, and even if I was told the procedure could be done, I would never be able to handle it. You see, I can’t even put drops in my eyes or put on eye makeup without my knees going weak. My husband actually wanted me to let someone perform surgery? Ha! He was nuts! I love him, but I was sure he was nuts! I underwent extensive testing, checks and re-checks, measurements and re-measurements, all done by Dr. Mazaheri. My vision was barely correctable to 20/50 with the glasses I wore, so I couldn’t drive. My husband drove me to all the appointments. We weren’t even sure it could be done. We had learned my eyes were ’14, and I would probably only be corrected to 20/40 or 20/50, and I would still have to wear glasses. If you knew how bad my eyes were, you would understand why I thought that would be great. I couldn’t even function without help when I didn’t have glasses or contacts. We decided it was worth it. The day after my Flapless Lasik, I was 20/40, and ecstatic to see this well. Four days later, I was 20/25, better than I have ever seen in my life. I can’t even begin to explain all the things I see now that I never knew were there. I don’t have to tell my kids, I missed it. I can focus faster; astigmatism makes it take longer to focus. I can drive. I can see my son even when he hides. I have peripheral vision for the first time. I have had my miracle.